• @calcopiritus
    157 months ago

    Those are umbrellas, and there are much higher metal poles in the surrounding buildings. I don’t think this would qualify for a Darwin award if they died, it’s the usual thing to go out with an umbrella in storms.

    • @vxx
      7 months ago

      It’s a usual thing to stay inside during a thunderstorm, like the people in the background do. No wonder so many people get hit by lightning every year.

      • @calcopiritus
        137 months ago

        Do you take your day off every time there’s a thunderstorm? Or do you arrive soaked at work?

        Some places have very frequent thunderstorms, can’t take a day off for each.

        • @vxx
          7 months ago

          In fact I go to work by bike over an open field. If there’s thunderstorms, that we have quite frequently, I either shift times around to not get into it or take puclic transport.

          Thunderstorms rarely come by surprise these days.

          Don’t walk in the middle of the street with a metal pole in your hand, at least walk closer to a building.

          It’s borderline insane that this is an argument at all.

          Just go ahead and do what these two people did if it is deemed safe.