• @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
    -79 months ago

    I did not mention or talk about ‘communist’ talking points.

    ‘Red Scare’ tactics are smears and propaganda used to continue to make Russia look like a boogeyman we should be really scared of, while our country continues to fund genocides and proxy wars for profit.

    The owner class of the US continue to have great power in brainwashing the working class, but we must continue to talk and discuss with those that do not think or agree with our way of viewing the world.

    Peace is better, than more endless failed regime change wars.

    • @Buffalox
      9 months ago

      ‘Red Scare’

      Red Scare is literally about communism and nothing else.

      The only ones that make Russia look like a boogeyman are Russians, their insane war against a peaceful country, their attempts to undermine other countries, their corruption and intolerance.
      You do not need to attempt to make Russia the boogeyman, they actually have become the boogeyman even more than when they were communist, at least back then we could believe they had some ideals about standing up for the little guy. Communism just didn’t work very well. Now it’s pure evil to only benefit the Russian oligarchy.

      So being a Russian asset, is clerarly making USA worse than it already is, and clearly preventing progress.

      • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
        -59 months ago

        Yes, just looking at the definition.

        Working class people use language differently than what is just defined by corporations and dictionaries.

        Language tends to change over time, and I am used it as a general word used to smear and make Russia look like the boogeyman.

        You do know that the US and Russia are controled by the oligarchy, the owner class…

        Again, these talking points are used so that we can continue funding proxy wars and so the working class is more open to go to war with Russia and China.

        We must remember to not just read and watch what the status quo wants us to, it is hard but we should continue to talk with people that do not think or agree with our way of seeing the world.

          • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
            -29 months ago

            How? I am speaking from my world view, even if we differ and can not come to an agreement on the matter.

            I am direct in my views and I try to explain in simple terms so as not to confuse people.


            That is a great show, feel free to join community:
