Russian bots with a Kremlin disinformation network published 120,000 fake anti-Ukraine quotes falsely attributed to celebrities, including Jennifer Aniston and Scarlett Johansson, in one day, the independent Russian media outlet Agentsvo reported June 15.

Quotes appeared over celebrity photos, displaying messages calling to end aid to Ukraine and describing European collapse.

The images were published between June 14-15 by the Kremlin disinformation network Dvoynyk, a representative of the Bot Blocker project told Agentsvo. The fake quotes have since garnered over 500,000 views.


  • @Lost_My_Mind
    -18 months ago

    How do you expect the FBI stop people from creating accounts and sharing false information? That’s not a crime.

    Hmmmmmm…perhaps it’s about time that it becomes illegal.

    • Flying Squid
      88 months ago

      The FBI does not create laws. Congress does. The same congress that is being currently run by people who are pro-Russia.

      So I’m thinking there’s some sort of Putin-related reason why that won’t happen.

      • sunzu
        -18 months ago

        While technically correct… it appears that you are missing the point here and more broadly misunderstanding how the system actually works.

            • Flying Squid
              38 months ago

              That’s not especially enlightening. I’m not sure why you’re telling me I’m missing the point and broadly misunderstanding something and then are so vague about whatever you think I’m not understanding.

              • sunzu
                -18 months ago

                people within the state act in their own interest so when they want something to happen rules are just means to do it, the same way these same rules are means not to do it.

                you take a position that these orgs function in good faith and cooperate among each other for greater benefit.

                • Flying Squid
                  18 months ago

                  I have no idea what any of that has to do with the three facts that congress passes laws, the House is controlled by Republicans, and Republicans are sympathetic to Russia.

                  Also, do not put words in my mouth.

                  • sunzu
                    -18 months ago

                    FBI has the tools to do whatever it wants done as exemplified by their history.

                    If they are not doing it, it is not a priority for them

                    You are spouting some generic civics slop as an authoritative take on the issue.

                    NOTHING TO SEE HERE!