• @dorumon
    569 months ago

    I’ve actually been in the pyramid itself. It’s actually quite small inside compared to what you’d expect and is literally just a bass pro shop with a fish tank and a bar area with a bunch of tvs and nothing else. They do have comfortable seating though!

    • @Fredselfish
      319 months ago

      Yeah me and wife went two years ago. We weren’t impressed. Funny story we were early so we had to wait for the elevator to open so we could go to the viewing deck.

      Well as we waited this lady and man who apparently were with a touring company showed up with like 50 people.

      They had paid for the tickets and thought they get first priority and cut the line. But at these time there were already 20 of us waiting. But luckily the manager made them get in the back of the line.

      The tourist lady was pissed.

      • @Psythik
        39 months ago

        Nobody in line tried to stop them from cutting?

        • @Fredselfish
          19 months ago

          I did I was first in line had been for an hour. I said something and that made them have to go to the end.

          If looks could kill that lady was not happy I stopped them from cutting the line.

    • @Etterra
      89 months ago

      The Egyptian ones ate similarly sparse inside, though for VASTLY different reasons.

    • @denshirenji
      39 months ago

      I mean there are restaurants and a hotel, though.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        I think it’s actually pretty neat. The aquariums are cool. The restaurant at the top has good catfish and a great view. I wanted to sleep a night at the hotel just to see what it’s like. It’s all swamp cabin themed.