That’s leftists. Not Democrats. Anyone to the left of Democratic socialist. So not Bernie Sanders either.

  • @cybersin
    1 year ago

    If “Freedomville” forces “Commies R US” to close its ports, thereby severely limiting access to trade and goods, is it the fault of Commies R US?

    What about if Freedomville goes and funds, trains militias inside Commies R US, which then declare war against Commies R US?

    If Commies R US voted for, and elected a commie, why are they not allowed to do so?

    • @Zebov
      11 year ago

      Guess it was Freedomville that caused Soviet Russia and China to be so oppressive, right?

      • @cybersin
        1 year ago

        Socialism is an economic framework more than anything else. It’s obvious that these countries had issues, but saying they were all caused by the way they distribute money is a bit of a stretch.

        These countries took bits and pieces of leftwing policies, and then added their own rubbish on top. They don’t really represent the modern left, just as the US pre-Civil Rights doesn’t represent the ideals of most in the US now. Oppressive social policies exist or have existed under every flavor of government. It’s certainly not limited to, or an integral of the left.

        Authoritarianism is not Socialism.

        • @Zebov
          11 year ago

          So where has the left functioned successfully in the real world?

          • @cybersin
            1 year ago

            Many countries have implemented left wing policies with success.

            The government of Norway owns a large percent of its resource extraction and oil industry. The revenues are used to provide social services such as free healthcare and education to its citizens.

            You obviously won’t find Norway on this list, but feel free to scroll through and see if you can find a pattern.