• @ChickenLadyLovesLife
    389 months ago

    Fun killer bee fact: back in the '70s everybody (in the US) was worried about “killer bees” (aka Africanized bees) migrating northwards from Central America and killing tons of people because of their higher levels of aggression as compared to European bees. Turns out that if you take an Africanized queen and raise it in a temperate climate, the bees she produces are no more aggressive than European bees; likewise a European queen raised in a tropical climate will produce bees every bit as aggressive as Africanized bees. So the whole thing was just stupid bee racism all along.

    So the bad news is that anthropomorphic global overheating (don’t give me that weak “climate change” formulation) is going to give us killer bees even without the migration of Africanized stock. The good news is that we’re completely fucked anyway and won’t give a shit about a few bee stings.

    • @Allonzee
      9 months ago

      The good news is that we’re completely fucked anyway and won’t give a shit about a few bee stings

      I desperately want to post this good news on both the uplifting news and the “only hopeful/helpful/productive comments” climate subs.