• MacN'CheezusOP
    63 months ago

    It’s almost as if all starches aren’t created equal or something… 🤔

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      23 months ago

      True, but for most of them, combining starch with starch just seems like overkill, not enhancement. I love mashed potatoes and I love rice, but never really want to combine them. Same with pastas and breads.

      Maybe exceptions in moderation with enough other things. Like I’ve made Thanksgiving leftover sandwiches that have turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy on sliced bread. But the potatoes and stuffing are more like a condiment, with a lot more turkey and a good amount of gravy. And even then, they’re not something I’d want regularly, and the bread is more of a convenience to hold it together.