• @Donjuanme
    798 months ago

    Mother nature is scary AF

    Do you dig it out or just go over top with new road it’s gotta be pretty effed up underneath all that, before chiseling through it and clearing it off, and where do you go with the slag if you do dig it out? Do you treat it like snow?

    • @copd
      788 months ago

      Bro that’s the new Iceland, anything underneath has been Pompeii’d

      • @[email protected]
        498 months ago

        This is worse than Pompeii. The ancient Roman city wasn’t buried under lava, but under ash, rock and boulders. While that is still very deadly, it isn’t nearly as destructive as lava. That’s why we can still experience Pompeii architecture, art and culture. Excavating this road, covered in solidified lava, is extremely difficult and costly. Just go over it, once it’s cooled.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          ‘cool’ is relative - the have to water the roads they build over the top to stop them melting!

    • @IphtashuFitz
      298 months ago

      They did that in Hawaii decades ago when Kīlauea covered Chain of Craters road and others.

      Kīlauea said “Fuck that” and covered the roads again and again, along with entire neighborhoods. The Hawaiians just let it all go back to nature now. You can drive roughly 10 miles of Chain of Craters Road now, which is in Volcanoes National Park, until it ends very much like the road in this picture.

      Speaking of Kīlauea, you might be interested in reading about Jacks Lava House which survived for years as the entire neighborhood around it was reclaimed by the volcano. It was eventually reclaimed by Kīlauea as well about a decade ago.

      • @JigglySackles
        8 months ago

        I was feeling really bad for the guy thinking he was now homeless, because there would’ve been no way to sell the home prior being in the location it was, until I read the last lines of him living at his second home while he figures out what to do. Oh gee, I don’t know. How about, live in your spare home? For fucks sake “figuring out what to do”. Collect any reimbursement and move on in your extra house as if nothing happened. Rich motherfucker. There are few enough houses available in Hawaii without someone taking up multiple. No wonder Hawaiians are sick of haoli.

        My rants aside though neat links! Thanks for posting them!

        • @Anticorp
          48 months ago

          There are few enough houses available in Hawaii without someone taking up multiple.

          And Mark Fuckerberg has purchased like half of one of the entire islands.

          • @JigglySackles
            28 months ago

            I’ve yet to hear anything about him that I liked. Soulless robot.

        • @IphtashuFitz
          38 months ago

          My understanding is that the lava house became an attraction more than a personal home. Folks would hike in there to stay a few days, B&B style, to get married there, etc.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      On that note of a million questions, the soil looks pretty soily; How long would it take that new lava rock to become as soily on top?

      • @deus
        218 months ago

        I looked it up and unsurprisingly there’s a whole Wikipedia page about this. Long story short, it takes decades for rock to become soily at all so likely a much longer time till it becomes as soily as what’s around it here.

          • @deus
            18 months ago

            Did I use the wrong word there? I always assumed till and until were synonyms

            • @[email protected]
              38 months ago

              You’re good, it was just a funny

              Till = OG

              Till has been in use in English since the 9th century; the earliest sense of the word was the same as the preposition to. It has been used as a conjunction meaning “until” since the 12th century. Until has been in use as both a preposition and a conjunction for almost as long. Both of these words are acceptable; you may send a text to your misbehaving child stating either “U R grounded till 4ever” or “U R grounded until 4ever.”

              … you will probably wish to avoid ’till, use ’tiladvisedly, and use both until and tillfreely. And if you use till in writing and someone tells you that you have made an error, simply take the extra L off the end of the word and poke them in the eye with it.

            • thrawn
              28 months ago

              You’re right, they’re just making a joke, as till also refers to how farmers prepare soil for planting crops.

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          Suddenly thinking about how the race to sustainably create more soil will probably be a theme for scientific research in the near future.

          Desertification is scary!

        • @jaybone
          28 months ago

          Lava rock tends to be very porous and “crumbly” though right? I would think it turns to soil faster than most other types of rock.

          • @samus12345
            18 months ago

            No, it’s someone who loves feet.

          • @jaybone
            08 months ago

            ^ when you’re done ruining Twitter for the day.

      • @[email protected]
        148 months ago

        In Iceland it’s pretty cold a lot of the year - not insanely, but colder than a lot of plants prefer. So the rock to soil conversion happens via moss.

        While on tour there last year, our guide pointed out the ages of certain lava fields, and he noted that the existing lava fields around Grindavik were between 700 and 1300 years old. My photos from the area show that they’re about 60-70% rock, with moss covering the rest. I suspect if you scraped away the moss, you’ll find slightly crumbly rock underneath (But don’t do that - do not mess with the moss in iceland). I’m not sure how long it takes for the lava to be converted into soil, but I would guess it’s more on the scale of multiple thousands of years.

        This page (up until the waterfall) has some good photos of a few lava fields and gives dates for the eruptions that created them. Meandering Wild - Lava and Moss
        (The photos are at the bottom of each blurb, not the top - so Eldhraun is the one with the rounded rocks and moss at 350 years old, and not the black rocks, and Dimmuborgir, at 2300 years old, is the one with the treetops shown below the craggy rocks.)

        Another banger from our tour guide was that (according to him) the locals say if you get lost in an Icelandic forest, just stand up. Which is… sorta true. They only tree of real quantity there is birch, and the tallest birch I saw was about 16ish feet (5ish meters). They do not grow heavily, so they’re a bit comedic and stringy. Decades old stands of them sort of look like 1-2 year old stands planted in warmer climates - without any ground cover, of course, because while grass will grow, the usual complement of weeds, vines, and what-not does not.

        • @Anticorp
          58 months ago

          Why not mess with the moss?

          • @[email protected]
            98 months ago

            It grows so slowly that disturbing it undoes decades of growth, and since it takes hundreds of years to convert rock to soil, messing with the moss is well, first, just upsetting the natural beauty, but also robs future generations of the land for just a few moments of “huh, neat.” Our tour guide was pretty reverent when he talked about the role that moss plays.

            Also they’ll fine you and maybe bar you from returning.

            • @Anticorp
              8 months ago

              Thanks! I’m in the PNW and moss grows heckin fast over here. We have a constant battle against it in our driveway, and on our roof.

    • @CouncilOfFriends
      38 months ago

      Looks like they would need to bulldoze it level and I assume add some fill dirt to even out the grade, I don’t know how many winters such a road would last though.

    • @Anticorp
      38 months ago

      where do you go with the slag

      You sell it as decorative lava rock.