This picture is probably closer to two decades old than one.
This picture is probably closer to two decades old than one.
And maybe dany wouldn’t have kinda forgot about the iron fleet
ZuckFuck doesn’t make his net worth each year. So let’s compare it against US citizen net worth. I have stats from 2022
Average American new worth is ~$1,050,000 Median American net worth is ~$192,000
I hate zuck as much as you but it’s important to be accurate and fair as possible when comparing statistics.
So it’s like a fine of $19 if using median and $105 if using average. Still peanuts for a fine
Cabin climate and lighting, especially in warmer contries must be a good 10-20% of energy usage. But yeah a lot of energy is wasted into heat, the London underground is a perfect case study on it
Southern Rail UK. They would be better off labeling things that work because it would use less paper
NATO member with nuclear strike capability who have a “special relationship” with daddy America.
Yeah they’re definitely weak
Depends on what proprietary WiFi controller you purchased. The one I bought for my electric underfloor heating makes me manually request new api key every 6 months. So I’ve had to write ANOTHER script to automate requesting a new key via their website with selenium
Now theyve put a captcha in and ive since given up. I’m too old and busy for these games so I made my own janky looking ESP relay setup
And deal with breaking updates happening on HA and the thermostat software itself while simultaneously maintaining api keys and policy changes every 2-6 months.
Its hard work.
You’re better off making your own thermostat relay controller
The RWR would tell the pilot it was a buddy spike. He knew it was blue and blue immediately and was probably screaming in the radio the whole time
You should read about USS William D Porter, this F18 story isn’t even close to the history of that fletcher class. At one point it fired a live torpedo at the Iowa with roosevelt on board.
In UK you get a charge of failure to provide and it worsens when you refuse again at the station.
Boing makes the Apache, B52 which have killed a hell of a lot of people. Cough enola gays B29 cough.
Boeing definitely has killed far more than Lockheed Martin aircraft on purpose
He hasnt been convicted of being a terrorist, don’t jump the… gun
It’s like if you failed an exam because your class funding was cut to only give teachers half as much time to teach, then you claimed that education doesn’t work.
No it’s like claiming state funded education system is failing, not education doesnt work as a whole, your reply is ambiguous and could be understood as the latter. Healthcare categorically works and no-one can deny that.
Healthcare in UK has consistently been defunded year on year, it is failing slowly due to the population increase, increase testing and diagnosis along with population density issues in cities during this reduction of budgets. A measurable consequence of these factors are increased refferal wait times and suicides for healthcare professionals, both at their highest levels. This can be solved with money and good management.
I still dont understand how you can’t see we are aggressively agreeing.
You just aggressively agreed with my statement while stating you disagreed at the beginning.
One could argue ruling parties reducing funding for universal healthcare (reduction of giving to the poor) is inevitable.
To be clear, universal healthcare is slowly failing in the UK
What makes you form that opinion?