• @Fredselfish
    239 months ago

    Exactly why we won’t see aliens. But they will come eventually to study what we legt behind.

    • @[email protected]
      109 months ago

      i choose to believe in the Star Ocean concept of aliens and believe Aliens have a signed agreement not to interact with races that have not fully moved into the space age yet

      • IninewCrow
        18 months ago

        Or they are just so far advanced than us that there is no need for an agreement like that … it’s just automatically understood and they see our planet and ‘civilization’ no more than us looking at our lawn and seeing an ant hill with activity. Why interact with creatures that can only understand their immediate surroundings and could not possibly comprehend anything beyond their little world?

        The ants themselves are not aware of all the activity, technology and beings living all around them and can only know about their ant hill and their little ‘civilization’. Even if the ants had some resources, what good is it for a larger more powerful organism or entity to reach down, dig out their nest and take away the tiny little food stores? or use the sand from their ant hill to … ? … to what? … fill a crack in their paving stones? The ants have nothing we need or want … or have even the level of quantity of resources we would desire. Highly advanced alien civilizations probably see us in the same way … why harvest a tiny planet when you could gather vast amounts of energy and resources from some other parts of the galaxy that are far more massive and energy sustaining.

        We only see and understand a fraction of a fraction of the universe right now. We are like the blind ignorant little ants that can only understand their little ant hill. Beings, entities and technologies might be roaming around us already but we are so unaware and undeveloped that it will takes us centuries or millennia before we can even start to understand anything beyond our world.

    • @Buffalox
      9 months ago

      I bet that if they are observing us, they consider the situation on earth so volatile, that any influence from them could cause humanity to self destruct even faster than we already are.

      At least Trump and Putin and probably XI too will die soon. That alone could ease the pressure quite a bit.

      • kamenLady.
        129 months ago

        Sadly they will not be the last of their kind, that will get into positions of power, deciding over the lives of millions.

        • @Buffalox
          9 months ago

          We can only hope they are better, or at least not worse. I surely hope the MAGA idiocy will die with Trump. But what will fill the void IDK?

          Russia will be irrelevant unless they use nukes, and China is of course the huge joker, that could soon be even more powerful than USA and worse to boot.