[ ⚠ ] SPOILER ALERT — this thread contains spoilers [ ⚠ ]

After Butcher misses his opportunity to kill Homelander by using Soldier Boy, he attempts to get Ryan back on his side and correct his mistakes. Meanwhile, Homelander seeks out a new ally as he struggles to come to terms with his mortality.

What did you think of the episode? What do you feel is going to happen next?
Discuss below!

  • tmpodOPM
    79 months ago

    Haha I was really confused in the first few scenes too. With the beard gone and lost weight (he looks skinnier, no?), it really was a big change. Didn’t notice the voice change, was it really a noticeable difference? I’ll have to rewatch older seasons to compare.

    • @RampantParanoia2365
      69 months ago

      He is much skinnier, and it sounds to me a little less resonant, but I haven’t compared. But between that, the weight, and the shaved beard, I was sure it was a new actor.