For anyone wondering: all AppleWatches older than the S6 Chip are being cancelled, basically Series 5 and below is dead.

Well then, farewell Series 3. You’ve been a great companion since 2017. I will enjoy the time we still have together, until you finally decorate the rainbow arm when crossing into the big drawer up in the skies. May you be reunited with the Series 0.

  • @reddig33
    19 months ago

    I’m gonna keep using my old watch until I see a compelling reason to upgrade (like built in blood pressure or blood sugar readings). So far I haven’t seen any new hardware or software updates that feel like must haves.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      My wife wanted to upgrade so we both got new Series 9 this year. Her Series 3 went to her mom as an upgrade to a Fitbit, and I figure I’ll keep wearing mine at work until it gets smashed or otherwise dies. All of our Macs are well past macOS support, but no real plans to upgrade until an old one actually dies, or some killer feature prompts an upgrade.