Briahna Joy Gray was recently fired by the Hill over her criticisms of Israel.

Briahna Joy Gray is the host of the Bad Faith Podcast, former co-host at The Hill’s Rising, former press secretary for Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign and former politics editor at The Intercept.

  • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
    09 months ago

    Careful with that labeling.

    People will think you believe the status quo and the zionist propaganda.

    Jimmy Dore is also called that, as many others I watch and learn from, I guess it should be a badge of honor?!


    I hope this helps you learn an opinion that does not fall inline with the status quo smears and talking points!

    • @TheFonz
      9 months ago

      Oh no, not the status quo!! If only BGJ did any fact checking -ever. That would entail actually doing work.

      Of course, we like her because everything she says is already agreeable with our views, right? Talk about status quo

      • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
        09 months ago

        Well, depends on which ‘facts’ you deem to be true.

        I do not agree with 100% of what she says or is about, like with any person in the world.

        I do encourage you to force yourself to be critical of your own bias and what you agree with, I try to do this as well, so as not to be in a bubble and so my views can be realigned as I learn new information.

        • @TheFonz
          19 months ago

          It’s not about which facts I agree with. We have lots of better lefties to represent our viewpoints. I’ve watched enough interviews with Brianna to learn that she only knows the most superficial aspects of any topic she delves into. Like, put in five minutes of work at least. It’s odd, because she’s really intelligent (and an Ivy League grad). There is absolutely no excuse for her lack of understanding on some of the subjects she covers.

          • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
            09 months ago

            Well, it seems you are looking for a person that is an independent journalist, in which they do thourgh reporting on the topic at hand.

            I would agree that, she might not be the right fit for what you are looking for.

            I watch her and followed her work in Rising with The Hill, when she does her Radar segment, these would be way longer than the other segment, she would have time to dive more indepth in which ever topic she was talking about.

            Please share some of the people you mentioned that are much better with their reporting!

            I would also like to include them, for when I am looking at diverse ideas and thinking on subjects I would like to learn more about!

            Thank you!