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An idling gas engine may be annoyingly loud, but that’s the price you pay for having WAY less torque available at a standstill.

  • @Jimmyeatsausage
    49 months ago

    Lv 1 charges are pretty shitty…takes my car about 12 minutes to get a mile-worth of charge on a 120v. I could still make it through a week of commuting doing that, but my range was a little lower each day until the weekend when I didn’t have to commute. That being said, I ponied up for a 220v outlet in the garage, and the Lv 2 charging is much better. Takes about 15 minutes to recharge from a days-worth of driving (usually 30-40 miles between work and running the kids around to all their activities).

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      How much did the 220 outlet and the L2 charger cost to put in? Was it a turnkey thing from an electrician or something or were you able to do it yourself?

      • @Jimmyeatsausage
        49 months ago

        I had to get an electrician to come run the 220 line for me because I don’t trust myself with high voltage electrical work. Bought the charger itself on Amazon for around $300. I installed that part myself. Wasn’t too hard, basically jist mounted the converter to the wall and plugged it in.