• Pistcow
    03 months ago

    I mean, there’s zero need for additional resources that are gained through a winning bet when a $100k bet would win you less than one inning pitched.

    It’s chasing endorphins where the math doesnt add up. Coming from someone whose mother nearly lost everything due to gambling.

    • @DarkCloud
      23 months ago

      I see clearly I’m not going to get through to you, and that for whatever reason you believe I’ve written an argument centred around maths and resources, rather than trauma and life’s path.

      Sorry your life circumstances require you to understand your mother’s compulsive pathology as being solely down to her being “a degenerate type” (a Hitlarian category). I’ll not discuss matters further with you, as I’m not your therapist.

      Better luck communicating with what’s actually been written, and the point actually being made next time. All the best.