• @DarkCloud
    63 months ago

    You know what bugs me about these sorts of things, they never address that issues around addiction might not be about the patient or some fault or aspect of their health - but might instead be a fairly natural aspect of human behaviour when housed in this particular kind of society with these particular stressors.

    Yes, you get unhealthy behaviours in an unhealthy society. Yes, some people bet the farm in a world where money and profit is placed above the human truamas and damages it can cause.

    But medical people never seem to factor in the sociological shortcomings or nature of things, only the individual and their “unhealthy” behaviours, even when it looks as though it couldn’t be any other way for some (eg. Is part of human nature).

    • Pistcow
      -23 months ago

      I mean, millionaire sports players risk lifetime bans for small bets that mean absolutely nothing to them.

      Degenerate is going to be a degenerate.

      • @DarkCloud
        3 months ago

        People who were randomly picked out of obscurity for their physical prowess as if by a luck of the draw (whether you think that’s the draw of catching that particular recruiter on that particular day, or the genetic lottery) - are then going to take a sympathetic view of the chaos and the gamble of life with wealth they perhaps feel was bestowed upon them by luck of the draw and hence take an “easy come, easy go” attitude towards…

        …and you think that’s “degenerate” rather than considering the individual who has gone through a similar process to their own success, on top of usually being a young person when handed that life style and usually it’s a lifestyle that requires risk taking bravado to be successful in anyways.

        … you’re going to take all those hidden lessons in their narrative, that big wins come from luck of the draw, that risking it all is part of “the game” they’re playing in life, and that they even when young, don’t have to seek wiser counsel because they richer than their parents at a young age… Take all that and reduce it down to “theys just degenerate”… Like your not even going to consider that maybe they’re just laying down a message life has been sending them sociologically…

        …well, I don’t think much of that viewpoint, that anything is as simple as stamping someone “a degenerate type” and moving on. Pathology has the word “path” in it for a reason.

        • Pistcow
          03 months ago

          I mean, there’s zero need for additional resources that are gained through a winning bet when a $100k bet would win you less than one inning pitched.

          It’s chasing endorphins where the math doesnt add up. Coming from someone whose mother nearly lost everything due to gambling.

          • @DarkCloud
            23 months ago

            I see clearly I’m not going to get through to you, and that for whatever reason you believe I’ve written an argument centred around maths and resources, rather than trauma and life’s path.

            Sorry your life circumstances require you to understand your mother’s compulsive pathology as being solely down to her being “a degenerate type” (a Hitlarian category). I’ll not discuss matters further with you, as I’m not your therapist.

            Better luck communicating with what’s actually been written, and the point actually being made next time. All the best.

  • @shalafi
    63 months ago

    Casinos creep me out. Last time I played Black Jack, the entire table was obsessed. No one speaking, joking, looking around, just pure concentration.

    I made a mathematically unsound play several times, gotta risk it for the biscuit! Table looked at me like I was bug fuck nuts.

    And then you got the people cranking away on slots. It’s like watching zombies.

  • originalucifer
    53 months ago

    theyve done so well with alcohol i cant wait to see what they do for gambling

    • @disguy_ovahea
      33 months ago

      In all fairness, the psychology of addictive medicine is pretty sound. The underfunded bureaucratic implementation found in social services is a shadow of what psychologists recommend. You’re more likely to find help in local support groups or expensive rehabilitative retreats than in state-mandated rehabilitation centers.