Pocket 386 supports external accessories and will just barely run Windows 95.

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    28 months ago

    Which is about to get a whole lot harder with sony/nintendo shutting down rom sites and abandonware sites. It means you’ll need to have the original media the games came on.

    And hopefully you can find that copy of Warcraft 2, Tides of Darkness on a cd thats not TOO scratched up.

    “This way! No THAT WAY!!!”

    • @9point6
      8 months ago

      Archive.org still exists and still has DMCA immunity*, you can get no-intro, goodset & redump sets on there. There is a gap in PC game ISOs currently though afaik, but steam and gog do seem to be good for covering most releases

      Failing legal options, those sets will be available forever via BitTorrent

      *If you’re in the US, please make sure your representative knows how important it is this continues—well, unless they’re a republican, in which case, probably better they stay oblivious if they don’t already know.