I’m going to university this September. Nearly everybody says “In university they don’t try to understand what you’ve written it is unintelligible.” My handwriting is incredibly ugly. I want to improve it by the time I go to uni.

In elementary school they only taught me cursive handwriting. And I never bothered to learn print handwriting. I can write like that but I’m really slow at it.

How can I improve my handwriting? Which exercises I should do?

Thanks in advance!

  • @[email protected]
    369 months ago

    I’m very confused.

    Does anyone still use handwriting in university?

    I thought handwriting was done with, honestly.

    Also my handwriting is dogshit and I got 2 degrees ral quick.

    Obviously one of them in literature.

    I wouldn’t worry about it.

    • @[email protected]OP
      69 months ago

      I think (I need to confirm it I’m not sure.) IT exams here are still in handwriting to prevent cheating. They make you write code with a pen and paper

      • @Fosheze
        99 months ago

        That is the dumbest thing. All of my comp sci stuff was open everything because out in the real world you would never be programming without those resources available. I don’t see why IT wouldn’t be the same. If they are testing your competency then you should have access to the internet just like you would in a job. If they are testing your memory then they should just use a lockdown browser or something.

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        Oh, okay. Well practice makes perfect.

        If you’re really concerned about it, just set aside 30 minutes a day and get one of those exercise books they give out in elementary school.

        It’ll still work.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        At my university, all exams were handwritten (with exceptions for people with disabilities or special needs)

      • FuglyDuck
        49 months ago

        … how do you debug?!?

        How do you copy and past everything from the broad shoulders of those who’ve come before?

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        That is unfortunately still very common at many schools. Luckily, the profs are usually pretty forgiving, and will give you lots of space to write. They are mostly aware it’s a dumb task and may require an entire sheet of paper for like 10-15 lines of code. I wouldn’t sweat it too much. If you can hand print a message on a post-it note for someone, you probably have legible enough writing for those questions. They aren’t normally big essay questions.

      • BigFig
        99 months ago

        Well it wasn’t in spelling or proof reading

    • @berryjam
      29 months ago

      We have to write exams by hand

    • FuglyDuck
      29 months ago

      Hooched awn Foniqs Werked phone mini!

      In any case I’d be shocked if handwriting wasn’t used for something other than note taking.