• @RizzRustbolt
    129 months ago

    Who hasn’t watched “Searching for Italy” and thought, “Yeah, Italy’s fucking awesome! I could totally make it there!”?

        • @suction
          39 months ago

          I once lived in Tokyo for three years, had both, after half a year I couldn’t wait to go home.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Are you a natural Hermit? I think I would love to live somewhere where I have minimal communication with everyone around me. I would also love to visit family and friends back home maybe once a year at most. I already kind of do that but at least I would have an excuse.

            • @suction
              09 months ago

              I’m not a party animal exactly but also not a hermit. The reason I wanted to go home was the racism and xenophobia of Japanese people (which mostly isn’t aggressive but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t grind you down over time)

              On the other hand I think as a white guy, experiencing that kind of arrogance, unwarranted superiority of the majority race, while at the same time being able to find all the skeletons in the closet (because behind the nice veneer, Japan is quite the unrepairable mess) was very enlightening so I am glad I didn’t go home early.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          It depends on where you want to live, Italy is VERY diverse for a country its size (it used to be multiple countries not that long ago, after all). I’m from the north.
          The average salary is about 24-34k€ depending on latitude, but roughly one third of that goes into paycheck taxes before you even see it. A skilled professional can make up to double that, but that’s not easy, and only in the north, where life is more expensive. All of this is excluding places like Milan, where everything is WAY more expensive.

          Internet connections are a shot in the dark in rural areas sometimes you can get 250mbit, sometimes 0, I know of people who work from home with 30Mbit connections and it’s painful.
          Rent depends strongly on the location and the city, a 80m2 apartment in a secondary city is probably 800-1200€/month right now, that is why most people live with their parents until they get a stable relationship, as you need two incomes to afford a place to live usually. I spend about 100-200€/week for groceries for two adults, but we both make good money and I tend to buy expensive stuff.

          Air conditioning is painful. My home isn’t super modern, so insulation is what it is, I probably spend 800€/year in the summer for A/C, and the machine itself is 2 years old, so it’s an efficient one. The one I replaced was even more expensive to run.

        • @suction
          9 months ago

          “If you have money” really puts a shine on almost any place

      • @CoffeeJunkie
        09 months ago

        You’ve been holding out on us! Please upload some pictures of beautiful Italy.

    • @suction
      29 months ago

      Technically you could “make it” anywhere.