Hey everyone,

After sinking countless hours into various RPGs, I have to say it: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt completely obliterates anything the Elder Scrolls series has ever done. Here’s why:

The Witcher 3:

  • Storytelling: Geralt’s journey is a masterclass in narrative. The Elder Scrolls games? Bland, generic plots with zero emotional impact.
  • Character Depth: Every character in The Witcher 3 feels real and complex. In Elder Scrolls, characters are nothing but quest dispensers.
  • Choices Matter: In The Witcher 3, your decisions have real consequences. Elder Scrolls? Good luck finding a choice that matters outside of picking your character’s race.
  • Voice Acting: Geralt’s voice acting is iconic, while Elder Scrolls NPCs sound like they’re reading from a script for the first time.
  • World Design: The Continent feels alive and meticulously crafted. Tamriel, on the other hand, is just a lifeless sandbox filled with repetitive dungeons.

I know some people love the freedom and modding in Elder Scrolls, but let’s be real: mods shouldn’t be necessary to make a game enjoyable. Without mods, Skyrim is a buggy, outdated mess with clunky combat and boring quests.

So, what’s the appeal? Why settle for a shallow experience when you can have an epic, emotionally engaging adventure in The Witcher 3? Let’s hear it!

  • Arthur OPM
    9 months ago

    You’re totally fine dude. Yes you are. Like look, people are fucking passionate and have passionate video Game preferences. That’s just fact and obvious obviously. Double untundra.

    Video Game discussions are meant to be heated. I’d question your passion for it if you weren’t. Like do you even really care ? Or are you just being polite for the crowd you know what I mean ?

    • Rhynoplaz
      49 months ago

      Do I even care? DO I EVEN FUCKING CARE?!

      You don’t spend hundreds of hours in Tamriel to NOT CARE!

      The only thing Witcher has that ES doesn’t, is boobs. That might be a selling point for horny teenagers, but I’m interested in a fantasy RPG, not a dating sim with monsters and fucking Gwent!