• @sandbox
    19 months ago

    Yeah, are you going vegan, though?

      • @sandbox
        19 months ago

        sure it does, if you’re gonna make the claim that people should suck it up and suffer from the heat for the benefit of climate change, then you should also believe that people should suck it up and suffer from not consuming animal products.

          • @sandbox
            19 months ago

            You should stop using <thing>, because it has negative environmental impacts.

            Replace thing with either animal products or air conditioning.

            • @[email protected]
              19 months ago

              if one or the other benefits the environment (i’m dubious), then doing either is good, and if you only do one that’s still good. but one has nothing to do with the other.

              • @sandbox
                19 months ago

                “these two things share this similarity, but they have no similarities with one-another” ok

                • @[email protected]
                  19 months ago

                  if there is a train wreck and i go start pulling people out of the wreckage, i’m not doing something wrong by ignoring chemicals spilling out of the train.

                  • @sandbox
                    19 months ago

                    you can’t stop a chemical spill and pull people out of a wreckage at the same time, so it’s not really a close comparison. it’s more like, if you loudly proclaim that anyone who’s not boycotting nestle is an asshole, but then you’re not also boycotting coca cola, people might point that out as a way to demonstrate that you can’t criticise others without expecting to receive criticism in return.

                  • @sandbox
                    19 months ago

                    ok, which of these claims do you doubt?

                    • going vegan reduces your impact on climate change
                    • not using air conditioning reduces your impact on climate change