• @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    I just don’t have to time to figure out which is the right one for me, installing it, configuring it, etc

    Ah, then you want Mint.

    I mean maybe someone smarter than me can tell me a linux distro that will work with world of warcraft, steam, final fantasy xiv, etc.

    Mint, ive had no issue with any of those except WoW, whose issue is that I do not play it to test it. it even handled modded FNV better than Windows ever did once I figure out SteamTinkerLaunch

    Dalamud (QuickXIVLauncher) even is on the distro software hub for easy download to your system, works great.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        I never saw your other comment asking for elaboration so I’m sorry for that, but super glad it’s working out for ya! You sound exactly like I did when I first swapped lol

        Good luck with the taskbar, we all find that one damn white whale!

    • @ComicalMayhem
      19 months ago

      ooh boy, and I was going to do pop!OS on my main rig thinking mint wasn’t good for gaming.