The article is short, so worth the read, but here’s the TL;DR:

  1. Commercial Breaks
  2. No Opening Statements
  3. Muted microphones, no notes
  4. No Live Audience
  • @0110010001100010
    7 months ago

    lol that would be hilarious actually, I can picture it in my head. As the commercial break ends the camera fades to black then the stage slowly fades in. Both candidates are passed out in their chairs drooling all over. An infomercial for dentures blares from an unseen TV. As the TV is turned off both of them jolt awake and hobble slowly back to their podiums.

    • @Poppa_Mo
      47 months ago

      Teams need to come out like pit crews. They wheel the recliners in super fast, make sure they’re both dressed in their Grandpa Joe PJs (Willy Wonka, no relation).