• Flying SquidOP
    114 days ago

    It’s pretty insane to look at that map in 2024, see that it looks in no way like the Americas, and say that’s proof that Muslims had been there. Especially when that’s apparently the only evidence.

    • @[email protected]
      24 days ago

      Well, it was never going to look like the Americas even if it was true. The claim is that they discovered the land, not that they circumnavigated it or were able to chart the coasts with Renaissance-level precision.

      There’s no good or compelling evidence. But there’s lots of ‘evidence’ that while dismissed by most academics, can be used in support of the theory in a vacuum, for example the existence of a pre-Colombian carving in Arabic (which isn’t actually that, but was believed to be by some).

      The idea isn’t based on the map alone, it’s only one piece of the corroborating ‘evidence’.

      Again, I’m not arguing that it’s a true claim, just that it’s not on the surface insane

      • Flying SquidOP
        54 days ago

        You could use the same argument about the people not being crazy, just not believing experts, with a lot of the sovereign citizens in this community. They believe the non-experts who tell them there’s a cheat code they can use to get what they want from the government just like these people believe the non-experts who think Muslims went to the U.S.

        So maybe it’s not ‘on the surface insane,’ but that’s only because they are similar people who both don’t question what they’re told by amateurs and reject authorities. Which I would say is pretty crazy of them.

        • @[email protected]
          24 days ago

          On the other hand, belief in a widespread historical myth that has been argued by professional historians isn’t exactly ‘soveriegn citizen’ level - even if that myth has been overwhelmingly dismissed by the majority of their colleagues.

          Its pretty easy to hear a credible-sounding claim and take it in, without doing the research to debunk it

          • Flying SquidOP
            44 days ago

            I’m not sure why you think sovereign citizen beliefs aren’t widespread. This community shows a ton of people seem to believe it. In multiple countries.

            Its pretty easy to hear a credible-sounding claim and take it in, without doing the research to debunk it

            Yes, that is exactly what sovcits do.

            • @[email protected]
              4 days ago

              Its pretty easy to hear a credible-sounding claim and take it in, without doing the research to debunk it

              Yes, that is exactly what sovcits do.

              I suppose where we differ then is if sovcit beliefs are ‘credible-sounding’

              • Flying SquidOP
                44 days ago

                They are equally credible-sounding because they tell the person what they want to hear. SovCits are told they can get out of debt or a government fine. People who believe this are told that Muslims did something first due to their superior skills. It’s the same.

                • @[email protected]
                  34 days ago

                  Yeah i suppose you have a point. I never think of sovcit claims as credible, but if that’s what someone needs to hear or believe in a tough time, could be a different story

                  • Rhynoplaz
                    34 days ago

                    If someone REALLY wants to believe something, they will.