• IHeartBadCode
      298 months ago

      Go in reverse of so much that’s come before the court should be grounds for most of them coming under impeachment.

      Like that should kind of be a rule. If any court made up of at least 40% the prior overturns case law more than 50 years old absent a constitutional amendment or Federal law laying the foundation for such an overturn, should be brought before the Congress on impeachment inquiry.

      Like the whole way they’ve redefined the 2nd within the last ten years that overturned 200 years of prior understanding, that alone should have most of them barred from federal office for the rest of their lives. And how they redefined it without so much as a Federal law to point to or a hint of a Constitutional amendment suggesting the way they’ve made it now.

      A literal garbage court sits the bench. What’s worse is that one day the lean in the court will change and Republicans will cry about judges legislating from the bench.

      • @aodhsishaj
        28 months ago

        Yes, to increase the number of justices we’ll need a congressional and executive branch to push the appointments through.

        It won’t matter who Alito or Thomas pick as their replacements if there’s 5 new left leaning justices on the bench.

        It’s sad to see the Supreme Court as such an overt political structure now. It’s always been political but this is egregious.

    • @Dkarma
      -48 months ago

      Won’t work. Gotta use another amendment.