Snyder v. US is the Republican justices’ latest decision weakening anti-corruption laws.

  • @Lost_My_Mind
    59 months ago

    I want to overthrow everything. Just…just all of it. The corrupt leaders. The corrupt police. The capitolistic system which encourages exploitation. The conditions which lead to poverty. The systemic racism. Just…just delete, start new file.

    What should we call this new country? I’m thinking “Whoopsiedaisy” has a nice ring to it.

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      29 months ago

      I honestly don’t think the US would come out the other end of a civil war or rebellion as just one country

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        29 months ago

        Could be. Its next to impossible to accurately get the details right on hypotheticals. But what your saying isn’t far fetched. I can see Texas being a country…and reintroducing slaves.

        I mean…I’m joking, but I also wouldn’t put it past them.

      • @Aceticon
        19 months ago

        If everything was started from scratch tomorrow, the likelihood of present day California and Texas naturally ending up together in the same nation is pretty much zero, IMHO.

        Those two are kept together by pretty much a country-sized version of a Sunken Cost Falacy.

        One can’t even count on language or culture as a unifying element, otherwise the whole of Latin America would be 2 countries, Brasil & Everybody Else.