The EU has been critical about the passing of the new foreign influence law, which is due to come into effect next month.

Under it, media and non-governmental organisations that receive over 20% of their funding from abroad will have to register as “organisations acting in the interest of a foreign power”, submit themselves to stringent audits, or face punitive fines.

The Georgian government argues the rules will ensure transparency of money flowing to support NGOs and protect Georgia from foreign interference.

Its opponents have dubbed it "Russian law” because of its similarities with an existing law in Russia and believe the real reason for the legislation is to stifle dissent ahead of October’s parliamentary elections.

“The European Council calls on Georgia’s authorities to clarify their intentions by reversing the current course of action which jeopardises Georgia’s EU path,” the leaders said in a document released on Thursday.

They added that they maintained their “steadfast solidarity with the Georgian people” and expressed a “readiness to continue supporting Georgians on their path towards a European future”.

  • @Visstix
    23 months ago

    Guess russias plan worked then