One adviser to major Democratic Party donors said they were texting from a meeting of donors in Atlanta on Thursday night, some writing “wtf.”

“Our only hope is that he bows out, we have a brokered convention, or dies,” the donor adviser said. “Otherwise we are fucking dead.”


  • @dhork
    49 months ago

    He still ranted and raved like a crazy person based on what I’m reading.

    His ideas and concepts were crazy, but his delivery really hasn’t changed much since we first saw him in debates in 2016. Biden’s clearly has. If you were living under a rock and didn’t already know everything you needed to about these two men, you never would have guessed that only three years separated them.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Jim Jordan pulled his contempt Citation for the AG after this. They don’t need the audio of the Special Counsel investigation to put in attack ads anymore.

    • Flying Squid
      39 months ago

      Yes, Trump is just as crazy as he was in 2016 when he lost the popular vote and 2020 when he lost the popular vote, so no one’s going to suddenly believe he isn’t crazy.

    • @Today
      39 months ago

      I didn’t hear any ideas or concepts. It was the same Trump ranting that he’s the best and Biden is the worst. The mods kept asking him if he wanted to answer the questions.