I tried to set the background colour for my urlbar with

#urlbar-input-container {
  border: none !important;
  border-radius: 5px !important;
  background: light-dark(#ffffffff, #1b1e20ff) !important;

this works fine for the most part, except on focus it creates some corner effects, which I think might be from the border that gets overlapped somehow.

And this is how it looks on focus without my code

How do I get rid of this blue border on focus? Ps: apologies for poor formatting.

  • @subhasutraOP
    19 months ago

    This worked, thank you. Would you mind telling what difference between using urlbar-background over the other one?

    • @MrOtherGuyM
      19 months ago

      You’ll be styling another element, that’s really all it is.

      Normally Firefox applies various styling rules to the element with id urlbar-background - so it makes sense to also apply your custom style rules and overrides to it. If you apply your background-color or border or other rules to some other element such as #urlbar-input-container then the original styling of #urlbar-background still applies as well.

      This would then cause issue like you would see in your first image, exactly like you guessed; the outline of #urlbar-background is seen behind the background-color of #urlbar-input-container because the two boxes don’t have exactly the same shape and thus you are not fully covering the urlbar-background.

      • @subhasutraOP
        19 months ago

        I see. Thank you for the explanation as well!