• @chalupapocalypse
    499 months ago

    paying $15 a month to listen to anything I want instantly is worth it

    • @ramenshaman
      279 months ago

      They don’t have everything. I have plenty of tracks on my drive at home that aren’t available. ALSO, sometimes you’ll find a track you like and save it locally in Spotify, then Spotify decides they don’t like that track anymore and you no longer have access to it. It still shows up in your library but it’s grayed out.

      Also their shuffle button is hot garbage, at least on Android. It’s been garbage for years and it recently got even worse.

      • @Guest_User
        39 months ago

        I’ve never used Spotify could you give a quick run down on why their shuffle sucks? Shouldn’t it just be random songs?

        • @ramenshaman
          79 months ago

          It doesn’t seem very random to me. What user “vodka” said might be true. Whatever, I can deal with that. What really grinds my gears is that Spotify frequenty turns on shuffle when I want it off, and it frequently switches to “smart shuffle” when I want regular shuffle. “Smart shuffle” will mix in songs that it thinks you might want to hear. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve turned off shuffle without having turned it on. I assume they have some competent people working at Spotify so I can’t imagine how they could have let it get to this state.

          • kronisk
            39 months ago

            The simple answer is smart shuffle enables them to put songs in your shuffle that record companies paid them to push to you. In other words, Payola.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          I heard they’ve fixed it, but it used to be limited to 100 songs, and it was a simple re-order and not actually random. It’d always put tracks in the same order (unless you’ve changed something in the first 100 tracks since last time)

          You’d have a 300 song playlist, hit shuffle, and it’d “shuffle” the same 100 songs in the same order, but start at a different point every time.

          • @Delphia
            89 months ago

            Algorithms for randomness on things like spotify cant actually be true random because true random will sometimes do weird shit that makes users think its broken. Like if you put 10 songs from 10 artists on a 100 song playlist and hit random there is a not 0% chance that it will put all 10 songs from 1 artist in a row.