
  • The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has discovered the most distant galaxy ever confirmed, named JADES-GS-z14-0, which appears as it existed just 290 million years after the Big Bang.

  • The discovery of this surprisingly luminous and massive early galaxy challenges theories about how galaxies formed in the cosmic dawn

  • JWST has been repeatedly breaking its own records for the most distant galaxies since beginning operations in 2022

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  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Huh… that made my brain do a few twists. The reference point for distance would be our own galaxy (I assume). So you would think that the furthest one would be the “oldest” due to expansion of the universe… so I would think that you’re correct in your correction?

    Unless they meant “older” in the sense of “discovered earlier”? I have no idea anymore, I guess they could argue it either way

    Edit: After re-reading it, I think they’re just referring “Younger” and “Older” to how the galaxies appear to us (due to the time it takes light to travel). As in, the newest discovery is “younger” because that’s the age that we can observe it as, by the time the light has reached us. Idk anymore, I know nothing lol

    • @atx_aquarian
      29 months ago

      Oh, ok, now I think I’m following. So, like, maybe the one whose light is older (since it’s farther away) could be in a less-developed state, like seeing an older photo of a baby.

      The universe breaks my brain, too. I love it!

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Nah, you broke my brain a bit too lol. I had to re-read carefully to try and follow… and I still wasn’t sure by the end