Whether your active on other instances, a long time lurker, a former active user…, Are you still around?

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    I wish I knew how to engage with the furry community better. I’m almost 40, have been a furry since I was maybe 12. I have never successfully made any furry friends or engaged with any furry communities in the interim time.

    • @wreckedcarzz
      32 months ago

      Heya! I’m bad at meeting new folks (social anxiety) but waves at. I’ve been a fur for 20 years now and have a few friends, a lot of acquaintances, but looking for more as I’ve been trying to get more normalized with socialization as a whole.

      Poke me with a DM if you want, I’m friendly (so I’ve been told) :3

      • @wreckedcarzz
        42 months ago

        Boop! I don’t know how to tag people on lemmy, but the parent comment that you replied to, I just replied to; you’re welcome to poke me as well :3