• smnwcj
    123 months ago

    Definitely tea party roots, libertarians have been against it for ages.

    Reagan really kicked is off on the trajectory of privatization, trusting corporations to bed good stewards of the people. It was a steady trajectory really kicked in to high gear with the recession since blood was on the water

    Now the right hates any part of the government that doesn’t hold a gun, and would rather drink poison than impede corporate profits.

    • @Passerby6497
      33 months ago

      Now the right hates any part of the government that doesn’t hold a gun

      They hate parts that hold guns as well, because they tell them what they can and can’t do with guns

    • @Copernican
      3 months ago

      Interesting, I was going off the NYT summary when the news broke:

      Forty years ago, when Chevron was decided by a unanimous but short-handed six-member Supreme Court, with three justices recused, it was generally viewed as a victory for conservatives. In response to a challenge from environmental groups, the justices sustained a Reagan-era interpretation of the Clean Air Act that loosened regulation of emissions, saying the Environmental Protection Agency’s reading of the statute was “a reasonable construction” that was “entitled to deference.”


    • @dynamic_generals
      3 months ago

      Just so we’re all calling a spade a spade, tea party roots = Koch roots