• @PugJesus
    313 months ago

    I didn’t realize your heart told you to do everything you can to enable fascism in Israel as well, but considering how enthusiastic you are about making sure Trump wins so he can “help Israel finish the job”, I suppose that shouldn’t be surprising.

    • @HomerianSymphony
      3 months ago

      Biden is no different from Trump. Biden is actively aiding and abetting the genocide in Gaza. He is sending billions of dollars of war funding and munitions to Israel, and using his Security Council veto to prevent the UN from intervening.

      Trump’s just more honest about it because he doesn’t need to win Michigan.

      If you vote Biden, you are supporting fascism and genocide. The only way we’re stopping fascism in Israel is if everyone votes Green.

      And I’m convinced that both the Democrats and Republicans would be history if Americans weren’t so binary in their thinking.

      Be non-binary. Vote Green.

      • @frickineh
        383 months ago

        The only way we’re stopping fascism in Israel ensuring Trump wins and enables Netanyahu to finish his genocide is if everyone votes Green.


        • @HomerianSymphony
          3 months ago

          The only way we’re ensuring Trump wins and enables Netanyahu to finish his genocide is if everyone votes Green.

          No. If everyone votes Green, then Jill Stein becomes president, not Trump. That’s how elections work.

          You’re so deep in Democrat-Republican binary thinking that you’ve forgotten how elections work.

          • @frickineh
            273 months ago

            No, I’m just not an idiot and I know how the real world works. I wouldn’t vote for Jill Stein even if there was a chance of a third party win, but in this case, there isn’t, and anyone who votes for her is playing right into Trump’s tiny baby hands. And, by extension, Putin. Though, tbh, I kind of wonder if you’re actually even American after looking at your comment history. The grammar and spelling are mostly good, but there are a couple of slips with terms that aren’t really used here.

            • @HomerianSymphony
              3 months ago

              Are you even American? Because if you were, you’d notice that I consistently use British spellings. (Or, I try to.)

              I’m not British. I’m just trying to assimilate into Irish culture, and they use British spellings.

              Edit: Oh, maybe I’m not good at remembering to use British spellings. But I try to say spoilt and spelt instead of spoiled and spelled.

              • @[email protected]
                53 months ago

                Pffffffffft, assimilating into Irish culture, yeah, ok

                FTR, everyone who’s switched to gailge around you isn’t doing it to help you practice listening, they’re doing it to all laugh at what a dumbfuck yank you are.

          • @TrickDacy
            163 months ago

            Not to mention that Jill Stein has found a way to be worse than Biden and Trump, by being dumber than a brick.

            The moron said publicly she thought 9/11 was a hoax. There are other reasons to think she’s a fucking idiot, that’s just the one I’ll never forget

            • @frickineh
              143 months ago

              Don’t forget about the wifi might be damaging kids’ brains thing. That was fun. Less fun is that people have pointed out that a lot of her stated foreign policy goals happened to align with Russia’s. She’s a big ol’ no for me.

            • @[email protected]
              53 months ago

              Jill Stein is a candidate for people that don’t understand politics- I’ve yet to see anyone that suggests voting for her that has shown even a remote understanding of any of it.

          • @TrickDacy
            123 months ago

            If everyone votes Green, then Jill Stein becomes president

            When you were a kid did you wish for a million toys every night at bedtime and then wake up surprised every day when that never happened?

          • @kevindqc
            113 months ago

            You will never ever ever get enough people to vote green in November to do anything other than give Trump a landslide victory. It’s a pointless thought experiment.

          • @glimse
            103 months ago

            You’re so deep in Democrat-Republican binary thinking that you’ve forgotten how elections work.

            Clearly you don’t know how elections in this country work if you think voting third party works in a FPTP system.

            Ranked choice voting should be what we’re pushing for, not handing the election to Republicans

          • @[email protected]
            33 months ago

            Jill Stein wins, so now instead of just genocide in Gaza we now also have Genocide in Ukraine because Stein is a known Manchurian Candidate sponsored by Russia.

      • themeatbridge
        303 months ago

        Biden is no different from Trump.

        I appreciate identifying yourself upfront and saving me trouble of having to read anything else you wrote.

          • @ccunning
            193 months ago

            So are you. There is no vote you can make in the U.S. this election that doesn’t, including not voting, so it doesn’t make any sense to make it the only issue to vote on.

            • @HomerianSymphony
              -213 months ago

              So are you.

              No. Your logic is confused. You’re so caught up in the false dichotomy, you’re not reasoning correctly.

              This is some 1984 shit. “Freedom is slavery. War is peace. People who don’t vote for the parties supporting genocide are supporting genocide.”

              • @[email protected]
                63 months ago

                No, you’re just a dumbass who failed basic math.

                FPTP has been explained to you green freaks enough times now for y’all to just be declared willfully ignorant. You’re anti-vaxxers but for political consequences instead of letting measles make a comeback. Only also some of you are also anti-vaxxers so lol we all gonna get fucked because the people who swear they’re the only ones who take the threat of fascism seriously are downplaying the risk of fascism by whataboutisming about da bigger fascism that’s happening on the other side of the planet…that they’re also going to be enabling by letting the fascists here win, but don’t worry they have some guilt tripping about “genocide is never ok!” to pull out to justify letting even more genocide happen.

              • @A_Very_Big_Fan
                3 months ago

                No. Your logic is confused


          • @TrickDacy
            3 months ago

            Says the person who make certain the genocide gets worse by electing trump. Gotta love bad faith actors. And by love I mean despise deeply.

      • @kevindqc
        123 months ago

        Voting green means Trump gets elected in a landslide and fascism comes to America.

        The two party system is because of the electoral college. No amount of “non-binary thinking by Americans citizens” will change that, only a change to the constitution.

      • @HomerianSymphony
        -213 months ago

        In fairness to Biden, I’m starting to think he has no idea what he’s doing.