• @xenoclast
      283 months ago

      Yup. But you deal with one problem at a time. Right now we have a real Joker problem with immediate and dire consequences.

      • @pjwestin
        113 months ago

        Following your analogy to its logical conclusion, we’re about to send Alfred out to take care of this Joker problem. It seems like we should find a Batman instead, or at least a Robin, before Alfred gets his ass handed to him.

        • @[email protected]
          73 months ago

          Bro have you seen Alfred fight?

          The problem would not be Alfred losing, it would be stopping him from plugging the Joker like an out of charge phone because he has made very clear that he does not share Batman’s distaste for firearms.

          This whole discussion is itself a metaphor, the people who are the most worried are the ones who understand the least about who they’re talking about.

          • @pjwestin
            43 months ago

            Yeah, Alfred was also originally a fat amateur sleuth who wanted to figure out Batman’s secret identity, and was then retconned into Bruce/Batman’s confidant. He wasn’t even a father figure to Bruce until the '80s, and the, “Alfred is a secret badass,” thing is something they’ve been picking up and dropping since the 90s. This comment is actually a great metaphor for all of the political discussions on Lemmy; a guy who thinks he’s an expert even though his base of knowledge goes back less than 10 years.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              “well akshualay that doesn’t count because 80s or something”

              Isn’t that the exact same thing people say about why nothing Biden does that’s even remotely progressive deserves credit?

              • @pjwestin
                03 months ago

                LOL, first comment: “Well, akshualay, if you read the comics, you’d know that the Joker would get wrecked by Alfred.”

                Second comment: “This nerd is correcting me!”

                Life comes at you fast, huh?

        • @xenoclast
          13 months ago

          One problem at a time means dealing with what’s in front of us with the tools we have at hand. Perfect is the enemy of good/better

          Also Alfred is a fucking Chad

          • @pjwestin
            13 months ago

            No, the problem in front of us is that the only person standing between us American fascism just went on TV and made himself look old and senile. Ignoring that problem and plowing through with compromised candidate isn’t dealing with one problem at a time, it’s ignoring a problem and hoping it goes away.

            • @xenoclast
              13 months ago

              You think that the actual fascist isn’t the bigger problem…odd.

              • @pjwestin
                13 months ago

                Not what I said, but cool lie dude!

    • @Smoogs
      33 months ago

      You had your chance at the primaries.

      In fact there was a younger man,

      Oh but no one liked his ideas.

      So maybe age isn’t the real issue then.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Age isn’t the issue. Bidens age related decline is the issue. If Biden we’re still sharp and responsive it would be a different story but he’s neither.

        The primarys are a Joke anyway. People like Gavin Newsom know better than to run or they’d risk the ire of those running the party.

        Until we abolish the two party system our country is screwed anyway. Neither of the two parties would ever do that so it’s hopeless. Standing up for Joe at this point is just digging our countries own grave.

        Joe is by far the least likely candidate to beat Trump despite the intense propaganda campaign being run right now. If Joe won’t be replaced then we’d better get used to seeing Trump in the news all day every day because that’s were we’re heading.

        • @Smoogs
          3 months ago

          So you admit age argument has flaws but you’re still heavily leaning on the age thing as your only main theme. Your argument doesn’t compel me you actually are coherent enough to be making pot shots at anyone else’s coherency.

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            What are even talking about? I made my point clear that it’s not age alone that’s the issue but when there is age related cognitive decline then it becomes an issue. Do you really not see the difference? I had no problem with Bernie Sanders age because he was a sharp and effective leader who was able to effortlessly convey his thoughts and opinions. Biden is clearly confused and lost half the time. If you’re telling me that you honestly can’t see that then maybe it’s you who isnt coherent enough to matter.

            • @Smoogs
              03 months ago

              Lots of people in any age group can be incoherent. Such as yourself.