• @snekerpimp
    8 months ago

    It has gotten more fun grinding at extreme for samples, and helping out lower level players, since the buffing patch. The endgame is just kind of flat.

    (edit): The article doesn’t go into how and why there was a decline, how Sony and Arrowhead kinda shot themselves in the foot with account linking. I think this would still be a fast moving train had they not tried to do that, and had the man power to focus on bugs, balance and battles at the same time.

    • Snot Flickerman
      58 months ago

      how Sony and Arrowhead kinda shot themselves in the foot with account linking.

      The graph from the article literally proves the opposite.

      Account linking happened May 6th. It is on the graph as point “A.”

      There is a small increase in the decline of the player count, but you had already lost almost 200,000 players since the last peak on April 1st!

      So between April 1st and May 6th the game went from around 370,000 players to around 170,000 players, and the current player count literally can’t drop the same level because that would be less than zero.

      So, the bigger drop came way before account linking, friend. The game was already dying, and the account linking just firmly put it out of its misery.

      • @krashmo
        148 months ago

        You make mostly good points but its stupid to call the game dead or dying. They don’t currently have a bunch of players they never expected to have in the first place. They still sold their product to those people which makes it a huge net win for them. It’s a wildly successful game by any reasonable metric you can choose to evaluate it against.

      • @MeatsOfRage
        38 months ago

        Yea this is pretty much it. I meet online weekly to play something with some friends, after the third or fourth session I was just completely done with the game. It doesn’t feel like there’s a whole lot to do after you’ve tried every mission type.