Also I hate this trend of censoring fucking profanity. Stupid shitsucking people need to learn that you’re allowed to swear like a pirate wench with a three-day UTI. They’re just words you cunts.

(There? Did I ironically make my point?)

  • Decoy321M
    3 days ago

    Who the fuck is censoring your curse words here? I doubt any of us mods here care. After all, the word “shit” is in the fuckin name of this place.

    • Track_ShovelOP
      83 days ago

      You’re missing the joke. I’m railing against the trend in memes where their creators censor profanity. I’m doing this by checks notes using profanity that would make a construction labourer blush.

      • Decoy321M
        32 days ago

        Shiiiiit, it’s all good. I was just reinforcing this mod’s approval of the fuckin subject.

        Make em blush, ya delightful little cunt!