“You do, you know,” said The Lady. “Everyone has gods. You just don’t think they’re gods.”

- Terry Pratchett

  • Flying Squid
    48 months ago

    My life is also dictated by the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere and my telomeres.

    Are oxygen and DNA also gods?

    Can you find one single definition of ‘god’ anywhere that defines it as ‘what you need to live?’

    I do not worship money. It is not my god. I have no gods and it is not your place to tell me what I believe. You are, whether you understand it or not, unable to read people’s minds over the internet.

    • @Olhonestjim
      8 months ago

      Frankly I’d prefer to dispense with money altogether. It’s nothing but a human construct which has turned out to be more trouble than it’s worth. It elevates primarily those least deserving of power, while denying all needs to those most in need. The heedless societal pursuit of it is clearly the path of doom for the entire world. It can do nothing at all without us, and we would be better people without it. Money is not a god. It’s neither living nor dead. It’s a virus.

      • Flying Squid
        38 months ago

        I think the real problem here is that OP doesn’t understand what a god is. They seem to think it’s “something you need to survive,” which is not true about the Christian god or the god of any other religion I can think of.

        • @Olhonestjim
          8 months ago

          I don’t think OP understood what Terry Pratchett meant either. Or the limits that his fantasy series applied to real life.