• @nomous
    113 days ago

    And you all care so fucking much about Palestine now that it’s a convenient cudgel to beat someone with. You don’t care now and you didn’t care then you just want to score your little debate points from mommies basement.

    Fucking waste of space if you care so much go do something about it because no U.S. president is going to do anything.

    • @Linkerbaan
      3 days ago

      All that’s needed is people not denying Biden is doing Fascism already. Just be honest.

      Raising awareness for people that are in denial and sticking their head in the sand is what’s needed for Palestine.

      Or do you think Palestinians are going to be really happy with Biden getting another term without having made any concessions and fully backed israel through the entire Genocide?

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        3 days ago

        All that’s needed is people not denying Biden is doing Fascism already. Just be honest.

        Ok. Joe Biden’s policy on Palestine is disgraceful.

        What now?

        Did we fix it?

        • @Linkerbaan
          -32 days ago

          Trumps policy on Palestine is disgraceful too.

          Did we fix Trump?

          Just be honest that’s all.

      • @nomous
        2 days ago

        Biden is doing Fascism already

        I’m not sure he is.

        Please define Fascism in the context that you believe Biden is doing. Be specific, I won’t engage with vaguery or hyperbole.

        • @Linkerbaan
          -22 days ago

          Abusing presidential powers to be complicit in Genocide by sending weapons using loopholes in the same way Trump did when we all called him a Fascist for it.

          Surprising dissent on Genocide with violent policing.

          Calling anyone that doesn’t agree with Genocide anti-semitic.

          Censuring politicians that call Genocide Genocide.

          Banning anti -Genocide speeches such as “from the river to the sea”

          You all want to dance around Gaza so badly. But sadly you can’t “ignore that time Biden did Fascism, what other times did he do it?”

          • @nomous
            12 days ago

            You know genocide and fascism are different things right? Fascism has an actual meaning and it’s not “things I don’t like.”

            • @Linkerbaan
              -12 days ago

              Oops you got examples of Fascism my bad.

              Fascism is Donald Trump. CNN told me that.