• @eran_morad
    23 months ago

    It’s a fucking binary choice between bad and the end of the Republic, you can’t deal in bullshit hypotheticals, they simply do not matter.

    • Verdant Banana
      -33 months ago

      singular choice between one senile Demopublican or the other one

      one has a D and likes blue the other has an R and likes red

      the next four years will have the same result either way unless the citizens unite and vote some other party in

      on that note yes it is next to impossible already agree

      remember when Obama and Biden had a third party candidate chained to a chair for eight hours

      if the people reject the two party system and quit supporting it yes it will fail same as any business people quit shopping at

      it is already the end of the Republic if you have gotten a politician to force to you to vote for them

      coerced vote because of threats is not an autonomous one born of rational thinking

      Biden and Trump want the same thing even if the route looks different