any claps? 👏

  • @Agrivar
    73 months ago

    Are you talking about the same team that then refused to accept their own results and are still trying to prove the world is flat?

    • @[email protected]
      63 months ago

      I remember that for the doc. I think part of the reason they don’t want to accept the truth is because the community and friends they made along the way in believing this bat shit crazy stuff. Someone should make a post flat earthers group. Shit add Scientology and any other crazy cult type behavior.

      My theory is we are very easily susceptible to friendly groups that accept us because we want that community. That idea that we have a lack of a “3rd place” after work and home creates a desire to connect on a different level. The details of believing the earth is flat, Trump is the second coming, or the anti-vaxers don’t matter as much to some people as being around others and being accepted.