• @xenomor
    402 days ago

    Exactly this. It’s critically important that we prevent trump and his fascist goons from getting control of this power. But that in itself doesn’t address the really big problem here. Living at the whim of a benevolent king is still living under a king. I honestly think this is it. The constitutional republic is over in every meaningful way beyond window dressing. Given the authority of the Supreme Court, I don’t see a legal fix for this. This is dark AF.

    • @dhork
      2 days ago

      This ruling basically covered how ex-Presidents might be prosecuted. The President still has some level of accountability to Congress via impeachment , although we’ve already seen how hard that is.

      Of course, when Trump’s second impeachment didn’t stick, one of the main reasons Republicans gave for voting against it was that they felt the proper venue for that was in the courts. Now that it is in court, the Supreme Court just said “Sike! Congress needed to act all along”.

      Edited to add: Another legal fix would be simply packing the court. Democrats should pound this during this election. They should make sure voters know that if Democrats are given the White House and both houses of Congress, they will fix the court by adding 4 new seats.

      • Blackbeard
        332 days ago

        Mueller: “I can’t do it. Congress should handle it.”

        Congress: “We can’t do it. The Court should handle it.”

        Supreme Court: “Nah.”

      • @[email protected]
        112 days ago

        one of the main reasons Republicans gave for voting against it was that they felt the proper venue for that was in the courts.

        The courts that they knew they had stacked in their favor. That was always an intentional copout.

    • ddh
      11 day ago

      Watching a panel of news anchors discuss this today, I was struck by the ashen looks on their faces. As if they had today witnessed a mortal wound to the nation.