• @PugJesus
    618 months ago

    It’s funny (or ‘funny’ if you prefer) that US Republicans are monarchists instead of republicans.

    • @dhork
      418 months ago

      Remember when they were complaining that Obama was acting like a king? It turns out they like kings after all.

      Maybe they’re just looking for certain… Characteristics… in a King.

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        98 months ago

        I’m guessing “The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency” was actually more projection than it was a condemnation of actual policies.

        • @someguy3
          58 months ago

          Huh don’t recall this. Was it a big deal at the time?

          Also from Amazon description:

          Courts: The authors have insider knowledge of how Obama will pack the Supreme Court and lower courts with activist judges who will overstep their constitutional authority.


          • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
            48 months ago

            Yeah, every accusation is a confession. I’m sure the GOP playbook for years has been: accuse the Left of doing X; do X yourself but in the name of trying to “level the playing field”.

    • @SkybreakerEngineer
      218 months ago

      It’s what they call themselves, that’s it. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is also none of those things.

    • @someguy3
      188 months ago

      iTs a rEpUbLiC nOt a dEmoCraCy.

      There’s a reason why they keep saying that recently, they don’t want democracy. They want to backflip themselves into selecting how leaders are chosen and who gets to choose.