• @[email protected]OP
      113 months ago

      I’d vote for a literal corpse with a (D), but there’s voters who are somehow undecided or ambivalent about fascism. The fact remains that the polling shows this hurts Biden in required swing states which is extremely concerning.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        precisely. you can’t just ignore articles about the “moronic” things voters are saying, because those “morons” happen to each have a vote. pay attention to them or lose.

        • Queue
          43 months ago

          The fact that New York Times of all things is now considered evil/propaganda/russian because they reported the factual news of “People aren’t enjoying Biden” and “The Debate was between a orange liar and a old man, neither won” people are wanting to boycott it.

          Like this is when Republicans stopped watching (briefly until they forgot) Fox News because Chris Christie started thanking Obama for taking care of the repairs after a Hurricane. The moment their favorite news source doesn’t repeat the same talking points as they want to hear, it’s now evil.

          Liberals just was a Democrat version of OAN, not a free press. John Oliver and John Stewart both got a lot of random hate mail from liberals for saying “Biden isn’t a new FDR.”

      • Sightline
        63 months ago

        They should view the data and make an appropriate response instead of letting their ego get in the way.

      • @eran_morad
        63 months ago

        We’re all fucked, we’re gonna get trump. I’m voting Brandon, but the guy fucked up huge.

    • @anticolonialist
      63 months ago

      Its funny how democrats actually believe we have any form of democracy. Your candidates are hand chosen by corporations and bankers, Your media is essentially state run propaganda, they have you fighting over which right wing oligarch will serve you this term, and they use voters to do their dirty work of keeping them in power

    • Sightline
      33 months ago

      There’s already catastrophic levels of voter apathy and that’s your response?

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        You don’t like apathetic sarcasm? I’m going to vote for the guy with one foot in the grave with the hopes we end up with the first female president relatively quickly.

      • @anticolonialist
        23 months ago

        Voter apathy is largely myth. What liberals refer to as voter apathy are disenfranchised voters that realize that the system does nothing to help them, they are poor with blue in the White House and Congress they are poor with red in the White House and Congress. One tells you he’s going to stab you in the back while the other one calls himself an ally while also stabbing you in the back.