• @redisdead
    -433 months ago

    I genuinely don’t care. If I have the choice between felon and a not felon, I’ll go with the not felon every day. It’s the easiest choice I’ll make in my life.

    If they didn’t want to deal with the issues caused by being a felon, they should not have committed felonies. Simple as.

    • @PunnyName
      3 months ago

      Okay, yeah, fuck off with your bullshit.

      Our system is stupid, and you can’t recognize that, because you’re probably equally so.

      Until you understand that our justice system is beyond flawed and systemically problematic, your opinion should be considered less than dirt.

      • @redisdead
        3 months ago

        Vast majority of people manage to not become felons by not committing felonies

        Out of lm the people who are convicted felons, I don’t think I’m wrong thinking those who are wrongly convicted are an insignificant minority

        Sucks to be them, but I won’t try my luck on the absolute minimal off chance they weren’t a criminal.

        If you don’t want to deal with the baggage that comes with being a felon, don’t commit felonies. It’s not hard, plenty of people manage to do it.

        I filter potential tenants and it’s served me well. I never had to do huge repairs or anything on any of my rentals.

        Most of my idealistic buddies who believe they operate a charity can’t say the same.

        • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
          143 months ago

          Damn, reading this comment chain I kept thinking you couldn’t be worse and each response you amaze me. You’re an asshole and imo you’re likely doing more harm to society than felons who make it out and just want to find work and shelter. Have some empathy

          • @Jiggle_Physics
            123 months ago

            They are a landlord, why would you expect them to be anything but this?

            That is, if this person isn’t just making that up, and isn’t just some edgy loser on the internet.

            • @Maalus
              -103 months ago

              They are a felon, why would you expect them to be anything but rapists, murderers or pedophiles? You don’t want to assume anything about a felon, but assumptions about landlords are somehow fine

              • @[email protected]
                23 months ago

                You and the landlord have just been found guilty by a jury of your peers of being absolute jackasses, far beyond a reasonable doubt.

                • @Maalus
                  -53 months ago

                  For not wanting to house a murderer, rapist or a pedophile. Cool, I’ll be a jackass, at least I’m not advocating for murderers.

                  • @[email protected]
                    03 months ago

                    So you believe people are incapable of rehabilitation?

                    OK, so by your logic, all prison sentences should be for life. They can’t be fixed, so we’ll just have to keep them locked up then, right? Gosh, these prisons sure are starting to fill up… maybe we should give everyone the death penalty instead? They’re going to die in prison anyways…

                    I guess lawyers are bad too because they also advocate for murderers. Lock them up as well!

                    Your perspective is idiotic.

                  • @redisdead
                    -13 months ago

                    I’m just having a laugh out of these people. They have no skin in the game and think their opinion matter.

              • @Jiggle_Physics
                03 months ago

                You aren’t even insightful enough to know when your logic is being turned against you as a rhetorical device.

                • @Maalus
                  -33 months ago

                  Except there is no logic turning here. And you wouldn’t rent out a flat to a murderer either.

                  • @Jiggle_Physics
                    03 months ago

                    Landlording is detrimental to an affordable housing market, this has historically played a major role in many periods of poverty and wealth disparity issues. This, in turn, plays a party in the increase of crime.

                    So if committing a felony is bad, thus I should use that as a filter for consideration of a person then I should also do the same to someone who’s choices play a major role in the decrease of QoL for people that has, historically, played a significant role in the increase in crime. I mean, the felon could be wrongly charged, they could have got caught up in something that really didn’t hurt anyone and it has been a long time since, and they are not that person anymore. However, by your logic, it is best to just assume they could be a dangerous felon and just not take that chance. Thus, you could be a small time landlord, who offers a bunch of useful services to those who rent from them, and works hard at keeping their QoL up, or a landlord that rents to own, making little, to no, profit off the tenets. However you could be a slum lord, a landlord participating using price fixing algorithm software services, working as a property investor for some company like black rock, one who regularly increases their rent to be at, or above, the local rent, inflating housing costs, etc. So it’s just not worth my time to risk figuring that out, I should just avoid you because your chosen business is, in the large picture, detrimental to QoL, and most rental properties are owned by shady people, and corporations, that actively make life worse for society beyond the passive stress the business puts on people.

                    By your own logic I should just assume you are a leech upon society, and avoid interacting you, because most landlording is terrible to society at large.

          • @redisdead
            -143 months ago

            Sorry, I’m not willing to house rapists, murderers and pedophiles. Feel free to invest a significant portion of your time and money to do so if you wish to. Tell me how it goes for you.

            Actually don’t, I’ve seen what happens when people do.

        • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
          73 months ago

          Even whistleblower are considered felons in some places. Guess they’re same as murderers in your fucked up eyes.

          • @redisdead
            -103 months ago

            Ah yes, because one guy out of a million might not deserve it, I should seek to house rapists, murderers and pedophiles.

            Y’all have a strange sense of priorities.

            Look, don’t be a felon. It’s not hard. Plenty of people are not.