• @Aux
    08 months ago

    Well, as we can see, Buddhists are ok with meat. That’s the whole point! The same is true for Hindus, etc.

    As for “scientist” - https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat

    The industry is still quietly sponsoring fake studies to push their agenda. The whole modern veganism is their invention. Every time you see a pro vegan study without any sponsors (which rarely happens in real science) you know it’s 100% fake shit. Especially when it goes against multiple other valid studies.

    • AnimalsDream
      17 months ago

      Some Buddhists are okay with meat, but clearly Siddhartha Gautama himself was absolutely not.

      That article quotes Marion Nestle, someone who has been interviewed on Plant Chompers before. Sorry, but you really just sound like a conspiracy theorist - the bottom line is that the full volume of evidence in nutritional science leans way more in favor of plant-dominant diets than anything else.