• chiisana
    263 months ago

    You didn’t wreck the big corps. You opted yourself out of their warranty thereby saving them any money they would’ve had to spend on repairing your purchase during the defined warranty window. If anything you lined their pockets by making yourself a cheaper customer.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Which is why I said you could call me a a dumb consumer. but actually…

      in a way, I did wreck them in the specific context of this post, because if I don’t care about the warranty then what other reason do I have to obey their demand to not fix it myself.

      edit: they want you to either pay them for repairs, or rely on their warranties, and/or to buy an entirely new device. They hate it when consumer know how to repair and fix their devices themselves. Particularly in the tech industry.

      • @pivot_root
        113 months ago

        I share the DIY repair sentiment, but the other commenter was right. You saved them money by opting yourself out of their warranty, which is free to you, but costs them money. Now, if you had used the warranty and then repaired things yourself after it’s no longer free, that would be a nice FU to them.