• WillStealYourUsername
    3 months ago

    Kids are never offered “life changing surgeries”. This doesn’t happen. Evidence very much suggests being trans is a genuine neurological condition that we are born with.

    Our brains match our gender.

    Brains are not necessarily binary.

    We understand some of the causes.

    “Risk” of being born trans seems to be partly genetic.

    Our identities are stable.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics is on our side.

    Adults don’t regret surgery. And another study on the same.

    Additionally, getting a diagnosis is a long process (and it’s not guaranteed that you’ll get one), and then actually getting treatment takes even more time (also not guaranteed).

    EDIT: I can’t read what the transphobe is saying anymore as they have rightly been banned from the server I’m on. Detransitioning is uncommon, but of course perfectly valid. Typically people detransition because of transphobia or for economic reasons. Have some additional links:

    Rates of detransition are low, and they are only very rarely permanent and caused by true regret.

    GenderGP links multiple studies saying essentially the same thing.

    This one mentions detransition rates of 13%, but again mostly to escape stigma.

    • @[email protected]
      -83 months ago

      Awfully quick to jump to conclusions. Awfully quick to remove people from society.

      Sad that you think those actions are just. May you be treated how you treat others. 😉

    • @[email protected]
      -213 months ago

      Hence the /procedures. 😉

      Weird how you left out the links of studies, reports of people that actually do regret it. I mean should we just ignore those people?

      If you want kids to be able to make these decisions, you will have to inform them. Properly. Not just paint them a nice picture. That’s what you’re currently doing. Not informing them and painting nice pink pictures.

      It is not sunshine and rainbows for everyone. There are trans people who regret it. Ignoring that fact is being dishonest with yourself and the transcommunity.

      • @FooBarrington
        3 months ago

        The rate of regret for transition is massively lower than almost any other medical intervention. Why do you care so much about this one specific type of intervention, above all others? Why not invest your activism into medical interventions with much higher rates of regret?

        And why do you choose to spend time on your pedophilic tendencies/anti-trans activism?

        • WillStealYourUsername
          3 months ago

          They would have known this if they bothered to open the surgery regret rate studies I linked them (but we both know studies won’t change their mind). For the lazy it’s less than 1% for both transmascs and transfems.

        • @[email protected]
          -83 months ago

          So requesting you be honest and fully inform kids is pedophiliac tendencies? You do get how this makes you look? Right?

          Please point out where I mentioned anything anti-trans. Or is this again by requesting honesty and transparency? Again, you do realise how this makes you look? Right?

          Judging from the responses and downvotes, I can see this community still doesn’t want informed consent…

          • @FooBarrington
            13 months ago

            So requesting you be honest and fully inform kids is pedophiliac tendencies? You do get how this makes you look? Right?

            No, I’m talking about your kiddy diddling/anti-trans rhetoric. Why do you diddle kids/spread anti-trans rhetoric?

              • @FooBarrington
                23 months ago

                Well, you’re posting anti-trans rhetoric (talking about regret rates without mentioning that they are much lower than almost any others, talking as if people weren’t well-informed about the risks during the multi-year process it takes to transition etc). I can quote your whole post back to you if it helps you? But you can just scroll up and read your own comment, it’s a neat function of messaging boards.

                  • @FooBarrington
                    23 months ago

                    Implying that the current levels of informed consent aren’t enough to properly inform people, and further implying that large amounts of regret exist due to transitioning, is without question anti-trans.