• @ummthatguyOP
    54 days ago

    Why do you guys do this?

    I’ve got a scattered wealth of trivia, but recalling it takes things like that post about the box to bring it up. Then it becomes a mission to make something of it.

    Hope you enjoy the cheesy movie.

    • IninewCrow
      4 days ago

      I love the trivia because it drives me to watch more, learn more and see more of Star Trek and everything related to it. But sometimes I just get completely lost with all the endless references.

      It’s like saying I love chocolate cake and then someone gives me a chocolate cake the size of Mount Everest. I can eat as much as I want but I’ll never finish it.

      So I’m just here at base camp covered in chocolate sauce waving at you at 20,000 feet on the side of Mount Coco Loco Star Trek.

      Also … I love cheesy movies anyways