Kia Ray is a compact car, currently only available in South Korea. It’s tiny yet can carry a lot so a lot of small businesses have these as a van alternative.

I hate cars. But getting rid of them has a long way ahead and I think this kind of small-but-big kind of car can appeal general public and make cities better.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    anti-car extremist

    what is extreme about not wanting to die bleeding and broken in the street, or choking on soot and heavy metals, or drowning in rising sea levels? what’s actually extreme is the fuckers who keep doing the same thing their daddy and their granddaddy did despite the fact that it is actually fucking killing us. THAT IS NOT HYPERBOLE. WE ARE FUCKING DYING. INDIVIDUALLY, CULTURALLY, AND COLLECTIVELY, WE ARE FUCKING DYING. Motorists are the extremists.

    • Alabaster_Mango
      62 months ago

      I said a “100% anti-car extremist”, as in someone who doesn’t want any cars. I was raised in a very rural town. There aren’t currently many viable non-car solutions to get to the “big city” where I currently live. How, without cars, would I currently be able to visit my family?

      I am not disputing the negative impacts of cars. I am not your enemy, and you do not need to fight with me.

    • @JohnnyH842
      52 months ago

      I mean… you can’t reread your comment and tell me you’re not being a little extreme.